Edu Fun is comprised of our teaching programme and numerous partner projects all aimed at supporting learners attending the Diepsloot Combined School. There are many ways you can help. You don’t have to commit to volunteering every week.
During the Covid-19 lockdown, we are still as active as ever, if not more active in Diepsloot, because we have needed to support the wider community whilst schools have been closed. Our literacy programme has taken on a different format as we've been required to take it from the classroom into the community or onto a computer. We have 3 mini-satellite hubs running in Diepsloot Ext 1, 6 and 10 and we've also had to turn our focus to a more extensive feeding scheme due to the challenges with food parcels not reaching people and due to the increased rate of unemployment.
Our volunteering as become more "virtual" in the sense that we have been providing Virtual Vouchers for food and our volunteers have been meeting online regularly to plan the varied programmes that we are running. Mentoring Sessions and an English Enrichment Programme using the Phono-Graphix Reading and Spelling Programme is also being run online on a weekly basis.
Edu Fun has linked up with a group of 20 youth from Yoga for Alex who are learning how to teach reading. They attend training with us and teach Grade 3 children how to read every Tuesday and Thursday at Diepsloot Combined School from 8:30am to 12pm. Any volunteers are welcome to attend to observe and to join in. All Covid-19 social distancing protocols observed.
Edu Fun continues to work very closely with Read for Africa and St Peter's School who are running a face2face and virtual reading programme at Sefikeng Primary School on Wednesday mornings. This school caters for children from Diepsloot but is located on the Leeukop Prison Property between Lonehill and Kyalami. The school is not linked to the prison, but just happens to be on the property. Anyone is welcome to join us for this too.
If you would like to learn more about the Phono-Graphix method we use to teach reading, you may wish to view this video clip. It takes you through the 4 key principles behind the programme as well as discusses a few topical debates such as learning how to read in your mother tongue versus English. There is also a practical demonstration of word building and buddy reading towards the end. Learn more about the Phono-Graphix Reading Method Here.
Many of our Partner Projects also need help from volunteers. These projects are varied but they all have a similar theme – each was developed to provide support and to remove barriers to education. If a learners basics needs are not met, then they’re not able to concentrate on their school work and won't reach their full potential. All of our partner projects were created by Edu Fun volunteers who saw a need and took action.
You can find information about our partner projects here.